Summer Programs

Program Overview

Our licensed summer program offers children a comprehensive and engaging experience, combining indoor and outdoor activities, including regular field trips to Clubhouse Farm.


Location: Sutherland and Ellison centers, with excursions to Clubhouse Farm.


Duration: The program runs for 9 weeks, from June 30 to August 29, and is closed on statutory holidays.


Hours: Monday to Friday, 7:00 AM to 5:30 PM.


Drop-Off/Pick-Up: Parents can drop off and pick up their children at the Sutherland or Ellison centers, depending on centers registration.


Capacity: We maintain our regular group sizes, for our currently enrolled Clubhouse families.


Registration: Registration opens in early April for Clubhouse families. Detailed registration packages will be emailed after spring break.


Fees and Payment: The weekly fee is $325, which reduces to $296.25 after applying the Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative (CCFRI). Payments are billed monthly in advance through our standard payment system. These programs are eligible for ACCB (subsidy).


Nutrition Program: Children are required to bring their own lunch. Additionally, Clubhouse provides a BBQ lunch every Friday.


Special Notes: This program continues our tradition of offering enriching summer experiences. Detailed information about field trips to Clubhouse Farm and other activities will be included in the registration package.

Summer Program Locations

at Sutherland

Program full



For families not currently enrolled in Clubhouse, we offer Summer Farm Camps